
Movie time

An online cinema has appeared in the Lime HD TV and Lime Premium applications. Now you can watch both TV and movies in one service.
“Hundreds of thousands of users have already installed new versions of applications on their mobile devices and are actively using the extended functionality. Other platforms will be updated soon. We will continue to actively develop the service, focusing on the feedback from our application users,” - said Elena Ivanova, Director of Lime HD.
The project was implemented jointly with the leading online cinemas START and MEGOGO. App users have access to over 70,000 movies. In 2020 alone, the number of online cinema’s users increased by a quarter.
“The total market volume in 2020 increased by 23% and reached $68.8 billion. The development of our products also does not stand still, moving in step with modern technologies,” - said Alexander Nazarov, a leading analyst at the company.
The company plans to increase the content of new feature, documentary and feature films through partnerships with other online cinemas and copyright holders.